CarlaH Hairstudio has changed the regulations, be sure to read before booking   Terms, Conditions and House rules

CarlaH Hairstudio heeft het reglement gewijzigd, lees dit zeker voor je boekt   Rules and regulations

SErvices and pricelist

Visiting the Salon for a treatment, Carla will look after you with care, passion, knowledge and normally you’re the only customer!


Every client has different personalities, life styles and work types, therefore every Treatment is created and delivered to your needs based on your conversation with Carla.


My specialty and passion are Hair Colouring and Makeovers. I listen to your wishes, plans and ideas. After coming to a final agreement, I will start to design a unique Taylor made hair style for the NEW YOU.


Everything I do is aimed at the result you have in mind.

Full concept

If customers decide not to use parts from a chosen treatment, this will not affect the pricing


from 45 cm

+ 10 Euro

until 10 cm

until 30 cm

until 45 cm


** This applies to all the types of work.

Extra long from 45cm + 10.00 euros extra

Long max. 45cm from

Medium max. 30cm

Short max. 15cm


** Dit geldt voor alle soorten werk.

Extra lang vanaf 45cm + 10,00 euro extra

Lang max. 45cm vanaf

Half Lang max. 30cm

Kort max. 15cm

*** Extra color or tube start from € 18.50 .This applies to all technical work .


Wash, cut, blow dry

Wassen knippen style

Long.                      €87.50

Medium                 € 70
Half Lang

Short                    € 57.50

Cut Only

Allen Knippen

Long                            € 75,00

Medium.                    € 62.00
Half Lang

short                          € 49.50

Wash, blow dry

Wassen met Style

Long                                   € 49.50

Medium                            € 42.50
Half Lang

Short                                  € 31.50

Fast dry                             € 10.00
Snell Droog

Poney , Frange , Lock ,     € 15.50

Frufru , Bangs , Courtine                                                 



Speciaal Behandelings

Ampol application only                      € 10.00
Allen ampullen toepassing

Ampol application with 5 min            €35.00                    

Ampullen toepassing met 5 min Hof Mass.

Organic Hair Mask+Head Massage     € 55.00


Olaplex full Treament             € 29.50
Olaplex Duo                            € 20.50
Olaplex shampoo                   € 07.95
Olaplex Mask only                  € 09.50
Salon Mask to Go                    € 10.00
Acai Reparatie                         € 14.50

** Normal shampoo and mask is Gratis.

Men /Heren

Cut  only /  Allen Knippen             40.00

Washing,cutting,styling/.               55.00

Wassen knippenfohnen

Color                                                € 57.00

Highlights  from  /   vanaf             67.00

Gentleman Frizzed curls from /   € 170,00


Gentleman Keratine progressive   185,00

BodyWave  / Perm from / Vanaf.  € 92.00        


Color Specialties 

Colour stripping
More than one-time striping extra charge.

Meer dan één keer, extra Kosten

**More information / Meer informatie
Carla Horta does not advice Striping, however it is up to the agreement and request
from the client.
Carla Horta adviseert geen Striping, maar het ligt aan de overeenkomst en het verzoek
van de klant.

Long                 € 64.50

Medium           € 55.00
Half Lang

Short                € 54.00

Nuances / Balayage (more information)

Long  from       € 165.00
Lang  vanaf

Mediumm        € 100.00
Half Lang

Short                 € 80.00

Moonlight Hair

Long    from       € 165.00
Lang  vanaf
Medium             € 100.00
Half Lang

Face Framing

From / Vanaf       €47.50.

Ombre Color

from / vanaf        € 225.00

Artistic Design

Variant colors can be from 5 shades, due to the long process for this type of work, it is advised to first contact the salon: 0619840020

Long  from   /   Lang   vanaf              € 245.00                    
Half Long  from  / Half Lang  vanaf   € 135.00       
Short  from  /   Vanaf                          €  115.00                               
Extra Tube                                            € 19.50.                                       

Updo’s, wash and blow-dry/

Opsteken vanaf

from                                              € 85.00
dry hair /Droog haar  Vanaf       € 65.00



Metamorphosis (per hour)               €215.00      inc clothing and color advice
Lessons for customers

Blow dry hair, per ½ hour               € 55,00                    

Natulique, organic hair cosmetics

Carla Horta & Natulique love Natural hair


About special GREY HAIR TECHNICS: it is a technic created by Carla Horta every Color is Taylor designed for each client with GREY HAIR.

Highlights (more information)

Long full head / Lang Volledig
€ 130.00
Long half head / Lang gedeeltelijk
€ 105.00
Long, topside / Bovenka€ 71.50
Medium full head / Half Lang Volledig
€ 98.50
Medium half head /Half Lang gedeeltelijk €77.50
Medium top only / Half Lang bovenkant€60.00
Short, full head / Kort Volledig
€ 76.50
Short, half head / Kort gedeeltelijk
€ 58.50
Short, top / Kort bovenkant
€ 48.50

Ombre Color (more information)

from € 225.00

Basic Color

Long  from  /   Lang  vanaf              € 100.00 

Half Long  / Half Lang                      € 80.00

Short  /  Kort                                     € 67.00

Roots only  / Alleen uitgroei / Max 1cm  € 75.00

Pigmentation /Color correction,Tonner

 Long  from /Lang vanaf                  € 55,00

Medium from /  Half Lang vanaf    € 45,00

 Short  from /  Kort  vanaf               € 35,00


Eyesbrows color only.              € 25.00
Wenbrbrow allen kleur

Brasilian progressive, Keratine, Botox & Protein (more information)

Progressive Keratine
from / vanaf € 395,00
from / vanaf € 195,00
Frized Curls
from / vanaf € 195,00
Hair Botox
from / vanaf € 195,00
from / vanaf € 175,00

Root lifting (more information)


Body Wave / Perm / Spiral / Root lifting


Long   from    /  Lang  vanaf            € 215.00
Medium / Half Lang                         € 102.00
Short   /  Kort                                    € 92.00 
Spiral from /  vanaf                          € 240.00
Root Lifting                                        € 85.00
*Perm extra bottle                            € 18.50

Tea house special

use of the tea house – on a donation basis

Because you are not a number for Carla, but YES a piece of puzzle for her life path that is the REASON Carla welcomes you to experience the difference, of working with Passion, Precision and Perfectionism.